Monday, March 1, 2010

It's been a long time

Wow - it's been almost a year since I posted! Things have been busy in the Myers household. Rose is halfway through 4th grade. She auditioned for the Marin Girls Chorus and was accepted and has been enjoying her time singing. She is still involved in 4-H and has started tennis lessons, which she is enjoying greatly! Maybe we have finally found a sport she likes :) Max is 4 1/2 yrs and loves his new preschool, All Saints. He is busy doing gymnastics and soccer. I have started a 2nd job as a Community Liaison at Rose's school, working with the Latino families and am still at Even Start in San Rafael. Curtis is happily shooting away. Mainly small jobs right now, but the wedding business is certainly picking up!

We are loving being in our new house and are starting to add our own touches (new lighting, new carpet in the living room & bedroom, new furniture). The backyard has been great, our new trees made it through the winter and we are about to start planting the spring garden! New (permanent additions) will be a pomegranate tree, raspberries, and blackberries. I also hope to put in some olive trees in the front yard and possibly an espalier apple tree in the chicken/rabbit yard.

And speaking of chickens. We have some new additions to our family...26 of them to be exact! Our baby chicks arrived yesterday and we will soon be looking for homes for 15 of them! Rose will be showing them for 4-H and we will also be enjoying their brown and blue-green eggs. She chose to get Bantam Rhode Island Reds and Bantam Araucanas.

Here are a few pictures to enjoy. Hope everyone is doing well!